_keyReturns the size of the data that this was deserialized from.
The size of the data that this was deserialized from
Sent if the player is trying to interact with a locked chest
Sent if the player is trying to interact with a locked chest
actionReturns the packet action associated with this type.
The packet action associated with this type
familyReturns the packet family associated with this type.
The packet family associated with this type
deserializeDeserializes an instance of ChestCloseServerPacket
from the provided EoReader
The deserialized data
the reader that the data will be deserialized from
serializeSerializes an instance of ChestCloseServerPacket
to the provided EoWriter
the writer that the data will be serialized to
the data to serialize
Generated using TypeDoc
Reply to trying to interact with a locked or "broken" chest.
The official client assumes a broken chest if the packet is under 2 bytes in length.