Enumeration PacketAction

The specific action that a packet performs.
Part of the unique packet ID.

Enumeration Members

Accept: 2
Add: 7
Admin: 17
Agree: 5
Announce: 22
Buy: 11
Close: 14
Create: 6
Dialog: 34
Drop: 24
Error: 250
Get: 27
Init: 255
Junk: 25
Kick: 28
List: 18
Msg: 15
Net242: 242
Net243: 243
Net244: 244
Obtain: 26
Open: 13
Ping: 240
Player: 8
Pong: 241
Rank: 29
Remove: 4
Reply: 3
Report: 21
Request: 1
Sell: 12
Server: 23
Spec: 16
Take: 9
TargetGroup: 33
TargetOther: 31
TargetSelf: 30
Tell: 20
Use: 10

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